How To Sell More On Etsy

Here is my Blog on How To Sell More On Etsy! Do you sell on Etsy? Thinking of opening an Etsy Shop? Here are my tips on how to sell more on Etsy. I’ve been selling on Etsy since 2014 and I think I have been rather successful in this journey. I am a Star Seller and have over 10,000 sales thus far. Here are some helpful tips on what I believe will help you to sell more on Etsy. This is what I believe has worked for me and so here I am sharing it with you. I hope this helps!

  1. Make and sell things that you are passionate about. What you create shows your motivation and passion. You will enjoy making your creations and orders and will not grow tired when you have a boom in sales and have to make the same thing over and over again.

  2. Make your listings using all of the item descriptions available so that your items will wind up in the appropriate searches for your shop. Be descriptive in your item description listing the materials used, options, how it was made, what makes it special, and what value this will bring to the customer.

  3. Have good customer service. There will be times when a customer is not happy fone reason or another. Go out of your way to resolve the issue being impartial and treat the situation as if the customer is always right (even if they are not!). This will help you to get good reviews and repeat customers. Personalize the customer’s shopping experience. This is what sets Etsy apart from other online markets—the personalization, care, and customization that you bring to the shopping experience.

  4. Sell your creations at a fair and reasonable price. Yes, you need to make sure that you make a profit, but also be sure that your items are not overpriced. People shop around and if you offer a fair price they may purchase from you over another store that is higher priced.

  5. Have good quality photographs of your creations that bring the product to life. Take several photos of our product from various perspectives. Ideally photos that show—the product with an object that shows the dimensions of the product, someone using or wearing the product, a photograph with a simple background, close up photo, distant photo, and one showing the various variations offered. Since people cannot handle the product or try it on in this online environment, you need to portray your product as best as possible.

  6. Have clear return policies written. People want to know what to expect when they purchase from you and if they can return a product if not satisfied.

  7. Answer messages and respond quickly to customers and potential customers.

  8. Ship your products quickly. If the product is one for a special occasion, be sure to get in touch with the customer to see when it is needed and be sure to ship ahead of the needed date.

  9. Test market your products before selling and posting online. I always sell at in-person events to see how various customers respond and react to different styles created. That way, when you do post an item, you know it has been tried and true. Find out what people think about your products. If something is not selling, don’t make any more of them! If something is selling, make more of those. Oftentimes, what you enjoy making is not what people will buy. Start to enjoy making what people like to buy.

  10. Use paid advertising. When I first opened my Etsy Shop, I didn’t have any sales for that whole first year. Then, I decided that my goal for the next year was going to be to build up my Etsy Shop and sales. I paid for the Etsy Paid Advertising. Within that first month, the following year, wellah—I received my first sale! I was ecstatic! I didn’t know what to do! That second year, was a good one. I studied tips by other sellers on how to make more sales on Etsy. Etsy is a great platform to sell on. You will come to find out what your best seller is. This is one that sells over and over again year after year. It is timeless. You will find that some products are fads, they sell well at one point in time, and then not so much later on. There may be various seasons that you have more sales in depending upon what you sell. Know your seasons. During the slow periods is when you should develop new products and work on building up your stock and supply for the busy seasons. Persevere through the seasons. You may have months where you make $15,000-$20,000 in sales and months where you make $500-$1000 in sales. Keep learning and growing and you will not fail. Best wishes!!!


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