As you sell and manage your business for weeks, months, years, it is inevitable that you will receive a request from a customer to issue a return or a refund. The tips offered here in this blog are by no means exhaustive and all-inclusive of all the possible situations. Hopefully, you may glean a few helpful tips. Here are some helpful tips for managing these situations:

  • Be sure to set up a clear return policy on your website or on-site pop ups/craft fairs.

  • Be clear if you accept returns.

  • State your return policies—refund if returned within a certain number of days, item returned in good condition and more.

  • State how the refund, if any will be issued.

  • If you do not accept returns make it very clear on your website or at your popups with clear signage.

  • State what you will do if the item was received by the customer damaged, not received, or broken, or if they plain do not like the product for any reason—doesn’t fit, color looks different, no longer needed, etc.

  • Set up clear communication with your customer and be very polite and cordial.

  • Take a stance of wanting to help your customer. After all, they took the time to shop with you and to purchase your product.

  • See if you can come to a good resolution—offer to refund or repair/fix whatever is wrong for the customer.

  • Do not take offense or get defensive. These things happen. People are human.

  • Be helpful and thank them even if you think they are wrong. It’s okay. Set a good reputation for your business, settle the matter and move on.

  • Take extra steps to help your customers. They may even return to shop one day.


Craft Fair Checklist For Vendors