Craft Fair Checklist For Vendors

If you are just starting out as a vendor participating in craft fairs, here is a helpful checklist of items that you may want to bring. It is by no means all inclusive and some things may not be pertinent to you depending upon what you sell, but hopefully, this can serve as a starting point for you!

  1. Your crafted merchandise

  2. Table to display your items

  3. Chair or chairs to sit on

  4. Display racks to display your crafts so that everything doesn’t just lay flat on the table.

  5. Tent, if outdoors.

  6. Tent weights

  7. Cash box or something to hold your money.

  8. Enough change to last throughout the fair.

  9. Credit card reader to take card payments. Customers will purchase more by credit card than with cash.

  10. Receipt book to write receipts.

  11. GE Tax License to display

  12. Necessary certificate of insurance if required by the craft venue.

  13. Cart or wagon to transport your merchandise and equipment from your car to the booth space.

  14. Fan—manual or battery operated if the event is outdoors during warm weather.

  15. Food and drink for the day. Pack your own lunch and meals and drinks because you may not have the opportunity to purchase your meals if the fair is busy and you also save money not buying expensive craft fair food.

  16. Business cards to pass out to customers.

  17. Packages to put merchandise in after customers make a purchase.

  18. Signage for your table to indicate prices, item names, and any sales or deals you may have going on. Clear signs help to inform your customers in the event of a busy fair where you cannot converse with each customer.

  19. A smile. A friendly face and demeanor will go a long way in welcoming your customers and showing that you are warm and caring.

  20. Lighting if the event is not well lighted or if the event will take place during the evening.




Customer Rapport At Craft Fairs: How To Make More Money