Gifts By Karen M

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5 Benefits Of Participating In Craft Shows

Participating in craft shows helps the crafter to get products out into the public. Selling at craft shows is a unique opportunity to meet your customers, present your work, and receive feedback and new ideas.

Customers are the backbone of your business. Without customers, your products will not find a home. There is nothing better than meeting your customers up front and in person.

There have been many times where customers have been looking for something specific and I have been able to create a new design tailored to my customers. These designs have then gone on to be wildlly popular with other customers. If I had not participated in live craft shows, I would never have known the personal preferences of my customers. The first benefit of participating in craft shows is that you get ideas for new designs from meeting your customers.

The second benefit of participating in craft shows is that you gain perspectives on how your customers like their products first hand. This past weekend I participated as a vendor at the Pearl City Ben Franklin Vendor Trunk Show. You need to rent a locker space with the Ben Franklin Store in order to be able to participate as a vendor in the trunk show outside of the store. This trunk show is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your work. At this trunk show, I met a nice gentleman looking for a bracelet. I asked if he was looking for a gift for his girlfriend and he replied that he was looking for a bracelet for himself. I was able to assist him with finding the right bracelet for him and was even able to size it to fit him on the spot with my handy tools (always carry your tools to events in case you might need to alter or customize designs to fit individual customers). He walked away very happy. A little while later, he returned, this time with his girlfriend. He told me how his girlfriend “stole” his bracelet and so now he needed to get a new bracelet for himself. I was again able to find him another bracelet similar to the first one he purchased but this time found an even chunkier bracelet that he was so happy with. Both of them walked away very happy. You will not get these experiences selling online. In-person events give you the personalization and feel that is representative of a handmade business.

A third benefit of participating in craft shows is that you may receive requests for custom orders. I have received customer orders from customers at events. While participating in the Pearl City Ben Franklin Vendor Trunk Show one weekend I met a customer looking for 5 of the same necklace for her grandchildren. I only had one available on display. I was able to take her payment in advance and then create four more of the same necklace for her to pick up the following weekend. I would not have received this customer request had I not been at this vendor event.

A fourth benefit of participating in craft shows is that you get to network with people. Today, I was participating in the Kapolei Ono Grindz and Makeke Pop Up event at the Kapolei Commons in Kapolei Hawaii. It was a beautiful setting, gorgeous sun, breezy tradewinds, and bright blue sky. It got hot later in the day. I saw a gentlement standing in the shade of my tent and he said he was trying to get some shade while waiting for his wife. I asked him if he would like to look at some of my jewelry. He replied that he did. He told me he was a scuba diver instructor and that he had a large collection of shells that he just gives away to people. I told him that I was always looking for shells to make my jewelry. So he is going to send me pictures of his shells and I will have the unique opportunity to purchase beautiful shells that he collects on his diving expeditions.

A fifth benefit of participating in craft shows is that you meet other vendors. I have become friends with many vendors that are at the same events. This is very beneficial because they share with you the events that are happening and also the inside scoops on which events are the most profitable. I have greatly benefited from this inside information.

Crafting is a great hobby, business, and social outlet. It is something that can be very enjoyable. Participating in live craft shows gets the artisan involved with customers, fellow vendors, and you will experience opportunities you would never have encountered had you not been there. Participating in Craft Shows is highly beneficial! Best wishes to you!